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Will Sell
ABC Hardware
123 Sample Street
Anytown, IN 46204
United States
High volume, high traffic area. We are the only hardware store in a 50 mile radius and we have a cash register stuck on the jackpot! We have a highly trained staff with low turnover and average tenure of over 10 years experience. The new owner can start making money on day 1 with very little effort.
Business Details
- Primary Wholesaler(s): Ace Hardware, Lancaster
- Year Established: 2015
- Cash Flow: $2,900,000
- Gross Revenue: $5,000,000
- EBITDA: $550,000
- Inventory: $400,000
- Rent: $60,000
- Number of Employees: 25
- Building Size: 4,500 sq-ft
- Selling Floor Size: 4,200 sq-ft
- Real Estate Included?