DiSC Stickers
Use DiSC Stickers to Facilitate Communication
If your employees have taken the Everything DiSC© personality assessment, then they should have discovered their own unique behavioral profiles. Employees who understand the communication styles and priorities of each other will be better equipped to work with each other. To make it easier for employees to practice what they’ve learned about communication styles, NHPA has created a set of DiSC stickers employees can wear to denote their own DiSC profile. Wearing the stickers is an exercise that could help strengthen relationships between employees. Here is how you can use them.
- Download DiSC stickers here.
- Print them out on a color printer on sticker paper. Use your preferred vendor for sticker sheets, or use Avery #44383. The Avery stickers are repositionable so they won’t leave residue on name tags. Click Here to access the printable sticker sheets on the Avery website. Cut them out so there is one circle per sticker.
- Give each employee the sticker to wear that corresponds to their dominant DiSC profile.
- Instruct employees that these stickers are for their reference. Before they have a conversation with another employee, they should ask themselves, “How could I change the way I communicate to better relate to this person?”
Remind team members that using stickers isn’t meant to put each other in a box, but rather it’s meant to make everyone appreciate the diversity of communication styles on the team and understanding the needs and preferences of others. It’s also about learning to make communication more productive for everyone.
Here are the four stickers and how they relate to the DiSC profiles: