Business Services
Save time and money with these resources.
Besides deciding what products to stock or how to train employees, every owner must contend with legalities. NHPA partners with a handful of service providers to offer retailers affordable options designed with the independent retailer in mind.
Business Services

Retail Marketplace
NHPA frequently receives inquiries to help sell stores, so this marketplace was created to give store owners a cost-effective way to advertise their locations for sale and provide an opportunity to connect with buyers.

Small Business Loan
Whether you’re looking to build, buy or expand your business, Live Oak Bank offers small business loans to independent retailers.

Health Insurance
Finding affordable group health insurance can be challenging. The NHPA Health Insurance Plan is designed to save retailers money without having to sacrifice benefits.
Credit Card Processing
Clearent Intelligent Processing provides retailers with low credit card processing fees and new payment service opportunities.
American Hardware & Lumber Insurance
American Hardware & Lumber Insurance provides various insurance-related services to independent home improvement retailers, including insurance agency services and educational resources.
Retailer Resources
Advocates for Independent Business
NHPA is proud to be part of the Advocates for Independent Business (AIB), a coalition of trade associations and organizations that represent locally owned independent businesses. The partnership allows NHPA to join in efforts to provide a collective voice to support policies and legislation that impact independent business. This partnership also allows NHPA to exchange ideas and programs to deliver more value to independent home improvement retailers as well as support the growth of the “Buy Local First” movement.
AIB’s Issues
AIB is currently tackling issues that have a direct impact on independent home improvement retailers. One of the most recent and relevant issues is sales tax fairness, which supports legislation to require a level playing field for online sales tax requirements. Other issues being addressed by AIB that are key to retailers are access to credit and ending public subsidies for big business. Learn more about how AIB is working to spread awareness and speak out on these issues here.
Promote Indie
Additionally, AIB has created and compiled resources to promote the benefits of choosing locally owned businesses that retailers can utilize in their stores and communities, including:
- Local Policy Action Toolkit
- Data from independent business studies
- Social media graphics
- Surveys
- Handouts and flyers
- “Buy local” campaign examples
- And more!
Click here to access these resources and more on AIB’s website.
Partnering AIB Members
Ohio Workers’ Compensation
Click here to download a copy of the Group Rating Safety Accountability letter.
Your organization can significantly reduce your OH workers’ compensation costs through a variety of alternative rating programs. Our program, administered by Sedgwick, offers you quality service and stability through the complex workers’ compensation environment.
For over 50 years, Sedgwick has been helping employers navigate Ohio’s workers’ compensation system, providing services to help them control claim-related costs and reduce premiums. Our team includes the experienced colleagues from CompManagement and CareWorks Comp. The two companies merged and are now Sedgwick. Together, we serve nearly 65,000 Ohio employers including organizations of all sizes operating in various industries across the state. Group rating programs administered by Sedgwick have produced over $4 billion in savings since group rating was introduced in 1991, and their group retrospective programs have returned over $630 million in premium refunds since the program began in 2009. For more information, or for a no-cost, no-obligation quote of your potential premium savings, contact Julia Bowling, Business Development Manager, (513) 218-4062 or
Workers’ compensation premiums include the cost of the following BWC’s safety services for Ohio employers:
- Experts: Specialists in industrial safety, construction safety, industrial hygiene and ergonomics.
- Training center: Offers 75 occupational safety and health courses in classrooms around the state, and six online courses.
- Library services: Provides information, research and training aids.
- Safety councils: 80 local safety councils throughout Ohio host monthly meetings promoting safety through informative talks and networking, presenting annual awards and offering premium rebates to eligible employers. Additional costs may be associated with monthly meetings.
- Safety grants: Grants and loans for purchasing equipment and conducting drug-free workplace training.
- Video library: A lending library of safety and health training videos.
- BWC website: Online safety publications, tools and resources.
- Consultation services: On-site safety and health consultation services for Ohio employers, including public and private employers.
- Safety Congress & Expo: Free, annual conference is the largest state conference of its kind.
How to reach BWC’s Division of Safety & Hygiene
Phone: 1-800-OHIOBWC
Important Links
- 2023 Accountability Letter
- 2024 Payroll and True Up
- BWC Website Navigation Guide
- BWC Division of Safety and Hygiene
- C-159 Recreational Activities Waiver
- Drug Free Workplace Program – July 2023
- Employee Engagement in Safety
- Navigating Ohio Work Comp System – August
- OSHA Recordkeeping and Recording Changes (Effective 8-1-16—6-8-16)
- Premium Installment & True-Up Reporting
- Salary Continuation Documentation
- Save Significantly With Sedgwick
- Sedgwick
- Sedgwick Group Rating Program
- Top 5 Way Members Can Save with Sedgwick
- Temporary Authorization Form
- Texting and Driving Hang It Up
- Warehouse Safety
- When an Accident Occurs
Additional Resources
Prescription Savings Card
Looking for an alternative way to save money on prescription medications? Now available through NRHA, the RxCut® savings card may be able to help. Retailers can download, use and distribute the prescription savings card to employees and their families. No sign up, financial commitment or participation in the NRHA Health Insurance Plan is required. Anyone may use the savings card, regardless of primary insurance provider.
For more information and to download the RxCut® savings card, click here. Or, download this informational flyer.
Wingate Nationwide Classified
Wingate Nationwide Classified is a website designed for retail trade, offering retailers a service to sell and buy fixtures and equipment. The site gives retailers the opportunity to find and buy price merchandise directly from the seller.
Additionally, the site offers a place for retailers to advertise stores for sale on a national scale, without alerting customers of the upcoming change. The website offers fixture and equipment services, stores for sale and off-price merchandise.
For more information on the programs and services available visit Wingate Nationwide Classified online.
Federal Law Posters
Below is a list of posters for retailers that are required by federal law to post in their businesses to explain and list employee rights and responsibilities.
Equal Employment Opportunity is the Law poster
Employee Rights – Employee Polygraph Protection Act poster
OSHA Job Safety and Health poster
Your Rights Under USERRA – The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act poster
Employee Rights – Under the Fair Labor Standards Act
Employee Rights and Responsibilities – Under the Family and Medical Leave Act
Alliance to Save Energy
The Alliance to Save Energy offers free lighting tip cards to NHPA members in an effort to help educate home improvement retailers and their employees about new energy-efficient lighting options.
The cards, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy, provide valuable information such as the monetary value of energy-saving bulbs, how to choose the right bulb and how to better understand new lighting packaging labels.
Click here to view a PDF version of the tip card.
Watch a short video explaining the new lighting packaging labels, frequently asked questions and more.
Group Management Services takes on human resources tasks that many small and midsize businesses don’t have the time or expertise to effectively manage, such as payroll and risk management.
NHPA is proud to announce that we have joined the Advocates for Independent Business (AIB), a coalition of trade associations and organizations that represent locally owned independent businesses. The partnership allows NHPA to join in efforts to provide a collective voice to support policies and legislation that impact independent business. This partnership also allows NHPA to exchange ideas and programs to deliver more value to independent home improvement retailers as well as support the growth of the “Buy Local First” movement.
AIB’s Issues
AIB is currently tackling issues that have a direct impact on independent home improvement retailers. One of the most recent and relevant issues is sales tax fairness, which supports legislation to require a level playing field for online sales tax requirements. Other issues being addressed by AIB that are key to retailers are access to credit and ending public subsidies for big business. Learn more about how AIB is working to spread awareness and speak out on these issues here.
Promote Indie
Additionally, AIB has created and compiled resources to promote the benefits of choosing locally owned businesses that retailers can utilize in their stores and communities, including:
- Data from independent business studies
- Social media graphics
- Surveys
- Handouts and flyers
- “Buy local” campaign examples
- And more!
Click here to take advantage of these resources.
Partnering AIB Members
- American Booksellers Association
- American Independent Business Alliance
- American Specialty Toy Retailing Association
- Brixy
- Business Alliance for Local Living Economies
- Independent Running Retailers Association
- Independent We Stand
- Institute for Local Self-Reliance
- National Bicycle Dealers Association
- Professional Association of Innkeepers International
- Real Diaper Industry Association
- Record Store Day
- Soccer Dealer Association
- Society of American Florists
Ohio Workers’ Compensation
- Coronavirus Unemployment Update
- Coronavirus Workers’ Comp Update
- Coronavirus FAQ
- Coronavirus Talk for the Tri-State Area Safety Council
- Department of Labor COVID Fact Sheet
Click here to download a copy of the Group Rating Safety Accountability letter.
Your organization can significantly reduce your OH workers’ compensation costs through a variety of alternative rating programs. Our program, administered by Sedgwick, offers you quality service and stability through the complex workers’ compensation environment.
For over 50 years, Sedgwick has been helping employers navigate Ohio’s workers’ compensation system, providing services to help them control claim-related costs and reduce premiums. Our team includes the experienced colleagues from CompManagement and CareWorks Comp. The two companies merged and are now Sedgwick. Together, we serve nearly 65,000 Ohio employers including organizations of all sizes operating in various industries across the state. Group rating programs administered by Sedgwick have produced over $4 billion in savings since group rating was introduced in 1991, and their group retrospective programs have returned over $630 million in premium refunds since the program began in 2009. For more information, or for a no-cost, no-obligation quote of your potential premium savings, contact Julia Bowling, Business Development Manager, (513) 218-4062 or
Workers’ compensation premiums include the cost of the following BWC’s safety services for Ohio employers:
- Experts: Specialists in industrial safety, construction safety, industrial hygiene and ergonomics.
- Training center: Offers 75 occupational safety and health courses in classrooms around the state, and six online courses.
- Library services: Provides information, research and training aids.
- Safety councils: 80 local safety councils throughout Ohio host monthly meetings promoting safety through informative talks and networking, presenting annual awards and offering premium rebates to eligible employers. Additional costs may be associated with monthly meetings.
- Safety grants: Grants and loans for purchasing equipment and conducting drug-free workplace training.
- Video library: A lending library of safety and health training videos.
- BWC website: Online safety publications, tools and resources.
- Consultation services: On-site safety and health consultation services for Ohio employers, including public and private employers.
- Safety Congress & Expo: Free, annual conference is the largest state conference of its kind.
How to reach BWC’s Division of Safety & Hygiene
Phone: 1-800-OHIOBWC
Email: safety@bwc.state.oh.usImportant Links
- Salary Continuation Documentation
- Premium Installment & True-Up Reporting
- Drug Free Workplace Program – July 2023
- BWC Website Navigation Guide
- BWC Division of Safety and Hygiene
- Heat Safety Letter – July 2023
- Partner AC26 U135 Deadline
- 2023 Accountability Letter
- On-site Seminar Cancellations 2020
- Top 5 Way Members Can Save with Sedgwick
- Real Results – Real Savings
- Your Billion Back Rebate Check is Coming Soon
- Governor DeWine, BWC Propose $1.5 Billion for Ohio Employers
- Group Retrospective Rating Program
- BWC Discount Program
- Enrollment Form
- Temporary Authorization Form
- Sedgwick
- Bureau of Workers’ Compensation
- Prospective Payment Document
- When an Accident Occurs
- Sedgwick Group Rating Program
- Texting and Driving Hang It Up
- OSHA Recordkeeping and Recording Changes Effective August 1 2016 June 8 2016 JW
- Customized Practical Skill Based Training
- School Security Grant Program Handout
Additional Resources
Looking for an alternative way to save money on prescription medications? Now available through NRHA, the RxCut® savings card may be able to help you. Retailers can download, use and distribute the prescription savings card to employees and their families. No sign up, financial commitment or participation in NRHA’s health insurance program is required. Anyone may use the savings card, regardless of primary insurance provider.
For more information and to download the RxCut® savings card, click here. Or, download this informational flyer.
Wingate Nationwide Classified is a website designed for retail trade, offering retailers a service to sell and buy fixtures and equipment. Site users will have the opportunity to find and buy price merchandise directly from the seller. Additionally, the site will offer a place for retailers to advertise stores for sale on a national scale, without alerting customers of the upcoming change.
Currently, the website offers Fixture and Equipment services. Future services to be offered include Stores for Sale and Off-price Merchandise.
For more information on the programs and services available through Wingate Nationwide Classified, visit
Federal Law Posters
Below is a list of posters for retailers that are required by federal law to post in their businesses to explain and list employee rights and responsibilities.
Equal Employment Opportunity is the Law poster
Employee Rights – Employee Polygraph Protection Act poster
OSHA Job Safety and Health poster
Your Rights Under USERRA – The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act poster
Employee Rights – Under the Fair Labor Standards Act
Employee Rights and Responsibilities – Under the Family and Medical Leave Act
Alliance to Save Energy
The Alliance to Save Energy offers free lighting tip cards to NHPA members in an effort to help educate home improvement retailers and their employees about new energy-efficient lighting options.
The cards, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy, provide valuable information such as the monetary value of energy-saving bulbs, how to choose the right bulb and how to better understand new lighting packaging labels.
Click here to view a PDF version of the tip card.
Watch a short video explaining the new lighting packaging labels, frequently asked questions and more.
Group Management Services takes on human resources tasks that many small and midsize businesses don’t have the time or expertise to effectively manage, such as payroll and risk management.